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Frequently Asked Questions  ANGLOS d.o.o.
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On this page you will find some of the most often asked questions and their answers.
How come you charge your services by length of the source text?
Other language service providers often charge by the length of the translated text, not original.

Our method of charging gives the client the final price of service in advance. The translations are usually longer than the originals, even more so, if this difference in length represents additional income for the translators. So, if you are charged by the length of the translated text, the final price can easily be as much as one third higher than what you estimated. Let us prepare a quotation or a pro-forma invoice for you so you can see the difference yourself.

And how come you charge your services per source word?

A word is one possible basis for charging translation services; the other often used units (characters with spaces, standard pages, lines, etc.) are usually based on number of characters. One of the advantages of using source words as basis for your price calculation is that you need not worry how much money you will lose paying for characters like horizontal ellipsis (the "...") , and all the dividing lines, which are made of hyphens and/or dashes; to us a character is not a word, so you will not be charged for (ab)use of punctuation marks.

You claim to honour the set deadlines. What a surprise, so does every other translation agency. What makes you any different?

We are so serious about our claim, that we will perform our services 100% free of charge, if we are responsible for the delay and/or late delivery. If we finish late, you pay nothing - this is what sets us apart from other agencies.

One often hears about translation memories or TM's. What is this all about? What's in it for me?

All translations, created with certain tools for Computer Assisted Translation (CAT), can be stored into a Translation memory (TM). With a little effort, one can even store all translations ever made for you into such a database, even those that were done without proper CAT tools. How do you as a client benefit from such a database? Simple, really: each time you order a translation of a text, similar to one of those you already have in your translation memory, the translator can retrieve the already translated bits from the TM and offer a proportional discount. Such discounts can add up to impressive amounts if you often require translations of similar texts.

Do you also translate language pairs that are not on your price list?

Most of our work is carried out in language combinations listed on our price list. Nevertheless, we provide our clients with high quality services for other languages as well.

Does Anglos d.o.o. also offer other types of translation services, such as certified translations (by official court interpreters), subtitling and interpreting?

Of course! Send us your enquiry and get a quote.

How do you define a regular client?

Our definition of a regular client is a natural or legal person with whom we have signed a long-term language services agreement.

I am not familiar with CET timezone. What's the time in your country now?

Our local time is now 04:37 (24-hour format) and 04:37 AM (12-hour format).

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